标签: 高尔夫球场,美国高尔夫球场
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Battle Island State Park Golf Course
这个公园获得了它的名字从战斗发生在18世纪中期的奥斯威戈河附近的一个小岛上。1916年FA Emerick拥有的大部分土地被过户的状态。战役岛州立公园 正式成为一个国家公园在1938年时,剩余土地变成over.The的流行场附近富尔顿毗邻的奥斯威戈河,提供球手宏伟的从它的球道和果岭的意见。是一个具有挑战性的18洞高尔夫球场的“萌芽 专业和业余选手。以一个虚拟的旅游!
This park derived its name from a battle which took place on a nearby island on the Oswego River in the mid-1700s. In 1916 most of the land owned by F. A. Emerick was deeded to the state. Battle Island State Park officially became a state park in 1938 when the remaining land was turned over.The popular course near Fulton lies adjacent to the Oswego River and offers golfers magnificent views from a number of its fairways and greens. The 18-hole course is a challenging one for the "budding professional" and
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