标签: 高尔夫球场,美国高尔夫球场
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Soaring Eagles Golf Course at Mark Twain State Park
As of March 21, 2012, Soaring Eagles Golf Course is open for the season.
Named for the great 19th-century author who spent summers in the area, Mark Twain State Park is the home of one of the most scenic and challenging 18-hole courses in the area. The course has a unique 18-hole design with only two parallel holes. The excellent conditions for this course were created thousands of years ago by a retreating glacier which laid down hundreds of feet of sand, gravel and silt. Buried ice blocks slowly melted, leaving water-filled depressions or "kettle ponds" on the course. Take a Virtual Tour!
The park is open for archery hunting in season. Gold Tees are Available
Senior Rates are available for NYS residents Monday through Friday except holidays.
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