标签: 高尔夫球场,美国高尔夫球场
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St. Lawrence State Park Golf Course
五区的高尔夫球手所拥有的超过75年的前9洞的私人俱乐部,圣 国家在20世纪60年代中期购买了劳伦斯国家公园。凭借其悠久的,扫地的山丘和池塘,课程的目的是把圣劳伦斯河的运输通道和加拿大海岸的全景。Vista中可以看出,从球道和俱乐部会所阳台。可以发挥这9洞高尔夫球场18洞两次从不同的发球台。
Originally owned by five area golfers as a private 9-hole club more than 75 years ago, St. Lawrence State Park was purchased by the state in the mid 1960s. With its long, sweeping hills and pond, the course was designed to incorporate the panoramic view of the St. Lawrence River shipping channel and the Canadian shore. The vista can be seen from the fairways and from the clubhouse veranda. This 9-hole course can be played twice from different tees for an 18-hole round.
Winter activities at the park include sledding and cross-country skiing.
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