标签: 高尔夫球场,美国高尔夫球场
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Wellesley Island State Park Golf Course
韦尔斯利岛州立公园 也有一个码头,导游的远足,淡水钓鱼,沙滩游泳,野餐区,小木屋和露营地。也可用于那些更倾向于粗糙它提供全套服务的两间卧室和3间卧室的小屋。
This 80-year-old 9-hole course, formerly known as the "Golf Links", offers rolling fairways and challenging approach shots through the valleys created by Thousand Islands pink granite outcroppings. The 9-holes may be played twice from different tees for an 18-hole round.
Wellesley Island State Park also has a marina, guided hiking, freshwater fishing, a swimming beach, picnic area, cabins and campsites. Full service two and three bedroom cottages are also available for those less inclined to rough it.
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